Our history
The Beginnings 2007
The Beginnings 2007
Rocks Community Garden commenced in June 2007 when the council allocated the land. It was the first and largest community garden in SW Brisbane. Success was attributed primarily to the adoption of an allotment model where individuals and households or family groups could take up and manage their own garden allotment.
It was developed in three stages
Stage 1 : June 2007 : 18 plots
Stage 2 : July 2007 : 16 plots
Stage 3 : Oct/Dec 2008 : 6 plots
a total of 40 plots across 600 square metres of garden beds
The Flood - 13th January 2011
The Flood - 13th January 2011
The flood water covered the garden beds and went to the roof line of the shed
After the Flood
After the Flood
Floods interrupted operations
The new layout with raised garden beds now includes 45 plots
February 2012
February 2012
The Food Forest
The Food Forest
Painting the water tank
Painting the water tank
Painting the shed 2019
Painting the shed 2019